Face Fit Train the Tester

Course Overview

Who should attend?


INDG 479 recommends that RPE Fit Testing should only be conducted by a trained and competent person. To be competent, the fit test operator should have adequate knowledge and have received adequate instruction and training.


Recent research indicates that up to 50% of all RPE used does not offer the wearer the level of protection assumed and one of the major reasons is that it simply does not fit!   Yet, under the regulations RPE must be correctly selected and this includes, for many types of RPE, a face piece Fit Test conducted by a trained and competent person.

Why perform a fit test?

If you provide respiratory protective equipment (RPE) to your employees then it is essential that you have documentary evidence to show the RPE fits the wearer. By subjecting each wearer to a face-fit test you can be sure that your organisation is fulfilling the requirements laid out in the Health & Safety Executives (HSE) guidance notes INDG 479 & HSG53,


Course Information

Face Fit Train the Tester Course Content

To provide knowledge and understanding in the following areas:

  • Background to Face Fit Testing
  • Legislation and Guidance, INDG 479
  • Set-up of Equipment
  • The Sensitivity Test
  • Fit Test Protocols
  • Pass Levels
  • Practical face fit testing
  • Troubleshooting & Problem Solving
  • Fit Test Failures and Re-Tests
  • Planning & Managing a Fit Testing Program

Please note: that RPE should be selected, maintained and used by trained and competent people, it is the employers responsibility to ensure compliance with this.

N.B. This course does not award the attendee the ability to deliver a Face Fit Train the Tester course. It ensures they are fully prepared and competent to carryout QLFT Face Fit Testing within the construction sector and raises more awareness and knowledge amongst the workforce.

All courses are delivered by a Fit2Fit accredited tutor.


Delegates of the Face Fit Train the Tester course will be required to participate in several fit testing scenario’s set by the trainer using a variety of Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE).


Successful learners will be awarded a Van-Elle Construction Training Face Fit Train the Tester certificate valid for 3 years.

Course Details

  • Accreditation


  • Course Duration Half a Day
  • Validation Duration

    3 Years

  • Funding

    Funding Available

For refresher courses or booking tests only Contact us

Entry Requirements

People attending MUST be clean shaven. The fit test section of the course cannot be carried out if there is any hair growth between the skin and the face piece sealing surface e.g. stubble beard growth, beard, moustache etc. 

The wearer should not eat, drink (except plain water), smoke or chew gum for at least 30 minutes before the test.

The trainer will have a selection of masks (P1, P2, P3) with him on the day; however, if there is a specific type of mask you use then please let us know in advance and bring this with you on the day.

Available Dates

These dates don't suit you? Contact us and see if we have availability in the future.
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